The Armory of Dominion Soldiers. These are but examples of the most widely used weapons of their class.
Assault Rifles : Anti-Personal weapon with high velocity and fire rate. Most common rounds used are explosive and shock rounds. If the bullet doesn't instantly kill, it disables / paralyses.
Pistols: Wide variety of pistols, high efficiency, flexible anti-personal weapon. Can have armor piercing capabilities.
The XMR Pulse Pistol Fires bolts of concentrated matter from an overheated plasma. It
Has secondary charges which will change the chemistry of the fired bolt. Anti-Tank: Acid charge.
Sub-Machine Guns: See Assault Rifles, Higher fire rate. Reduced Range.
The Claw: Anti-Machinery/ Robotics, Dispatches nasty Electro-Magnetic waves to short-circuit vehicles/walkers.
Sniper Rifle: Fires an electro-magnetic supercharged round which can fire at extreme speeds and distances. Rounds are very flexible, effective against a high variety of units. Slow fire rate: The weapon overheats. Rounds: Incendiary/Shock/Emp/Explosive/Piercing/Cryogenic.
Plasma Cannon: Heavy Anti-Armour Weapon designed to pierce through the toughest of armors.
Low Refire Rate ( Overheats). High Range. Needs to charge. Not flexible.
Fires a charged plasma beam frying everything in its path. Range: 1 km (Weapon strength reduces as it travels.
Renders of the other guns will be done for January.
Oh and btw: All images in the blog are Copyrighted by me: Guangda Li.